BIMpogovori z Ivom Žagarjem
Objavljeno: 27.4.2016 | Dolžina: 55:38 | Prenesi: mp3 | Predvajaj: YouTube
Oddaja podcasta BIMpogovori v kateri gostimo Iva Žagarja - govorimo o CGSplus, programu Revit in razširitvah zanj, uporabi BIM-a v praksi, aktualnih novicah, ...
Gost: Ivo Žagar (@family_editor)
- Matevž Dolenc (matevzdolenc.com, @matevzdolenc)
- Robert Klinc (@robertklinc)
- (Robi) BIM Task Group, The new Level 2 BSI BIM Portal has had circa 2000 downloads of L2 standards in the last 3 weeks (via twitter BIMgcs)
- (Matevž) Digital Built Britain, Level3 Building Information Modelling Strategic Plan
- (Robi) Dataset Schependomlaan, Celoten BIM model - BIM datoteke (IFC, BFC, ostale), ki jih lahko snameš in pogledaš. Da se vidi potencial BIMa.
- (Robi) Spectacle
- (Ivo) Autohotkey
- (Matevž) Audible:
- Charles Duhigg, Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business
- Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain